Sunday 21 March 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

I created my nine frame grid in photo shop

Two shots which you feel demonstrate something which shows you have watched other music videos

I watched this music video that was aimed at young teenagers which included a young male teen on a seat singing changing costumes. I thought it was really effective and looked really interesting and kept me entertained. Also he changed his costume to the beat which looked really well planned and edited, So the shots of Yasmin changing costume in the music room to the beat in 1234 relates to this music video I watched.

This shot relates to a lot of band type music video where they are performing on stage and sing right in front of the camera projecting their voice and self expression clearly. This is effective and for this type of music video it helps to relate to the music genre because it sets an edgy atmosphere to the viewer. Although as for 1234 is a different type of song genre we was not intending to perform edgy singing in front of the camera, we thought it would look effective because it identifies the importance of 1234 lyrics in front of the camera.

A shot that demonstrates your use of mise-en-scene

In this shot it shows the costume and background props and location, it shows the audience that our music video is simplistic but entertaining and interesting to view even though we have not planned to adapt more to the location with more props.

A shot that demonstrates your use of lighting

This shot shows the lighting we set up, the shot shows Yasmin in a spot light and centre of attention, because she is representing 'Feist' so it displays the importance of 'Yasmin' being shown more than others. Everyone is lit up and around them it is more shadowed to make it look more like it is full of people.

A shot that demonstrates your use of camera

This shot in the music video demonstrates good use of camera work because it was planned to be taken in fast movement and unsteady swaying towards Rob the guitar playing starting from the ground working the camera up to Rob. When we watched the footage of this clip it look really effective and thin it is one of the most interesting shots we have demonstrated in the music video.

A shot that shows an intertextual reference

This shot relates to Newton Faulkner 'to the Light music video where he performs in a field just him and his guitar. So this shot is very similar to Rob playing and fading Rob playing on the guitar with shots of Yasmin, this relates to the shots where Newton Faulkner is playing and being faded into other shots in the background.

A shot that illustrates how your video uses music genre

This shot helps to illustrate the music genre because of Rob our actor playing the guitar and that instrument is clearly identified in 1234 song. Also our actor is young and in teenage years and 'Feist' is appealing to teens with all her crowd shots of people dancing in the 1234 song music video 'Feist' is in so this helps to set a example of the type of music genre and audience.

A shot that typifies the way a record company would want their artist to be represented

This shot represents how a record company would want to project their artist 'Feist' and her music because this shot focuses on herself and the background is blurred which takes the importance of the actors from the viewers eyes and draws more attention to her being important role of the scene, also 1234 is a upbeat song and the party scene I have took the shot from helps to associate the artist with her music and social life.

A shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals

This image shows clearly Yasmin in a music room location lip syncing to 1234, the piano and drum kit within the room shows the types of instruments used in the 1234 song by 'Feist' which helps to set atmosphere. And the costume shots that show Yasmins feet and odd socks which are bright and colourful which adds to the beat and positive tone of the music.

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

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